Destination - Arts University Bournemouth to study Game Art and Design
My project is about women’s rights. I chose to focus on women’s rights because it is a topic that I am passionate about. For my final outcome I chose 4 famous women who support women’s rights, this was to show that it has changed through the years and it is still an issue. I created my final outcome by using pictures I took of flowers and digital drawings I created of the 4 different women. I experimented with different materials before I came to the conclusion of creating my final outcome the way I did. 
I chose to make my final outcome a mural so that it was inclusive and for it to be something that everyone could see no matter their age, gender, race or, religious beliefs. I also chose to have it displayed at Bournemouth train station because it gets a lot of tourism and people using the train for commuting which means more people would see my mural.

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